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5. February 2021

Wonderbed – new mobile test station

Since September 2021, a new test stand will complement the IEM test portfolio for the reduction of Hg emissions. A mobile test stand was manufactured to familiarize with the moving bed technology and to pre-select suitable materials for the moving bed process. The test setup consists of the following components:

    • Filter inserts with different bed thickness
    • Tube material
    • Test actuator for clamping the filter inserts
    • Adjustable blower (380 V)

The test setup can be plug & play connected to 3 “measuring nozzles of the large-scale plant and is operated in bypass to the large-scale plant with real exhaust gas. At the integrated measuring nozzles, the pressure drop across the filter elements and the Hg species concentration before and after the filter fill can be determined with our mobile Hg measuring equipment.

By adjusting the blower output, the filter area load can be adapted to the conditions of the large-scale plant.

WanderbettBlog Wanderbett „Wanderbett auf Wanderschaft – neuer mobiler Teststand“

The aim of the system is that the Schkopau Power Station emits an average of less than 10 micrograms of mercury per cubic meter of exhaust. How do you know that you can comply with this limit?

We have already done preliminary tests with a mobile system. In these tests, we showed that we can comply with the limits. The fixed installation will work even better as it can be controlled even more accurately. So, we should keep doing this.

The next stricter limit is likely to be one to seven micrograms per cubic meter of exhaust gas and will likely come into force in the summer of 2021. Will Schkopau be able to comply with this limit?

That depends on how strict this limit will be. It should actually be in black and white in August, but the legislature takes its time. If the limit is actually going to be seven micrograms – at least that’s what is written in the draft of the 13th Federal Emissions Control Ordinance – it could be done with our method. If the limit becomes even more strict, we would need to combine the activated carbon with other processes.

„Gefördert durch: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie aufgrund eines Beschlusses des Deutschen Bundestages“

Gefördert Durch BMWI
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